New statewide regulations for rainbow and brown trout in lakes and ponds in New York state were recently announced. (Dennis Pastucha photo)
April 04, 2022
By Fly Fisherman Staff
New Regulations for Trout and Salmon in New York Announced New statewide regulations for rainbow and brown trout in lakes and ponds in New York state were recently announced, and are as follows: The season will now be open year-round, with a 5-fish daily limit, with no more than 2 longer than 12 inches. Also, new Atlantic salmon regulations now allow for a year-round open season, throughout the state.
For more information, visit the New York Department of Environment Conservation website .
Puget Sound’s Green River to Allow Salmon Passage The recently passed Bipartisan Infrastructure Law has allocated $220 million in federal funds that will be used to allow fish passage at the Howard Hanson Dam on the Green River near Auburn, Washington. Fish passage is critical to the survival of the threatened Puget Sound Chinook population.
“This funding will go a long way in our fight to save the salmon, opening up miles of critical habitat,” U.S. Sen. Patty Murray said in a press release. “This is a big victory for the Muckleshoot Tribe, our salmon and orca, the entire Puget Sound, and all of Washington state.”
Click here for more information.
Redfish Kill on Mobile Bay Authorities are unsure why hundreds of red drum were recently discovered dead on the Gulf of Mexico’s Mobile Bay, but suspect it’s part of a natural annual occurnace and don’t expect it to affect the fishery’s overall health. Local fishing guide Blake Michaleski wasn't so sure, however, after recording a video of the floating white bellies .
"My thoughts after talking to various people today is that this is a toxicity issue related to bacteria introduced through runoff after the heavy rains," Michaleski said on Facebook. "Mobile Bay is not as healthy as it once was. The water this evening was a reddish brown."
More information can be found here.
Special Permit Zone Fishing Closure in Florida According to a press release from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission: “The spawning season closure for permit inside the Special Permit Zone in south Florida starts April 1. This closure includes all state and federal waters south of Cape Sable on the Gulf coast, and south of Cape Florida on the Atlantic coast including all of the Florida Keys and Biscayne Bay south of Rickenbacker Causeway.
Permit will reopen inside the Special Permit Zone on Aug. 1.”
Click here for more information.
Conservation Easement Proposed on the Missouri River Montana’s Prickly Pear Land Trust is asking anglers for public comments on a proposed conservation easement along one of the most popular stretches of the Missouri River. The Missouri is Montana’s second-most popular trout fishery and is extremely important to the local economy. The easement, located on the Canyon Cattle Company property, would prevent new development along a large swath of the west bank from Craig to the Dearborn River, though public access would not be included.
(Image courtesy of the Prickly Pear Land Trust ) Lewis and Clark County residents are encouraged to sign a letter of support to the county commission (click here to do so ).
More information is available here.
Idaho to Stock Hundreds of Thousands of Trout Idaho Fish and Game (IF&G) announced it will stock over a quarter million catchable trout statewide this month. The state stocks over 30 million hatchery-bred fish annually.
According to an e-mail from IF&G: “These locations provide an excellent opportunity for anglers to catch fish and introduce a new angler to fishing. Children under the age of 14 do not need a license to fish in Idaho.”
For more information and stocking locations, click here.
If you have fly-fishing news to report, please contact Digital Editor Josh Bergan.