January 22, 2016
By Charlie Craven
Hook : TMC 100 #12-22
Thread : 8/0 black
Abdomen : Superfine Dubbing
Wing : Hungarian partridge body Feathers
Hackle : Brown and Grizzly Rooster hackle
Thorax : Peacock
Spent Partridge Caddis video:
Tying The Spent Partridge Caddis
Tying The Spent Partridge Caddis Step 1 of 7 Start the thread at the 70% point and dub a body from the bend to the starting point.
Tying The Spent Partridge Caddis Step 2 of 7 Select two partridge feathers, oppose them and even their tips. Measure the feathers against the hook so they are a shank length long.
Tying The Spent Partridge Caddis Step 3 of 7 Tie the partridge feathers in at the front of the dubbed body on edge with the feathers tented over the fly.
Tying The Spent Partridge Caddis Step 4 of 7 Tie in a matched brown and grizzly rooster feather at the base of the wing.
Tying The Spent Partridge Caddis Step 5 of 7 Tie in a bundle of peacock at the base of the wing and return the thread to the eye.
Tying The Spent Partridge Caddis Step 6 of 7 Wrap the peacock forward to the eye and tie off. Clip the excess.
Tying The Spent Partridge Caddis Step 7 of 7 Palmer the two hackle feathers forward over the peacock thorax to the eye and tie off. Trim the excess feather tips. Build a smooth thread head, whip finish and clip the thread.
Finished Spent Partridge Caddis