November 01, 2020
By OSG Editorial Staff
Kayak fishing has boomed in popularity over the past few years, and with this growth spurt has come a lot of advances in new hull designs, integrated rod and tackle storage, electronics integration, plus developments in seating comfort and overall boat utility. Perhaps the most meaningful introductions have centered around kayak propulsion – beyond the traditional two-bladed paddle.
In terms of the human-powered options, no single introduction has been arguably as significant as Hobie’s 1997 launch of the Mirage Drive, the first leg-powered, pedal-driven powerplant, with a unique fin propulsion system. This advancement heralded the way for improved hull designs for pure fishing applications, while freeing the angler’s hands for rod manipulation, lure presentation, and for fighting fish.
Hobie has made many improvements to the original Mirage Drive since its launch nearly a quarter century ago. Advancements include more efficient fin designs, Glide Technology - where all moveable surfaces of the drive were put on bearings, followed by the MirageDrive 180, which allowed for the first time the drive to be rotated 180 degrees with the pull of a lever for forward and reverse operation.
Today we have the pinnacle of kayak boat control – the MirageDrive 360 – which allows the boat to be moved not only in forward or reverse, but in any other direction as well, diagonally, sideways, crab-walked, even spun on its axis for getting out of and into tight spots. For the kayak fisher, boat control can often be the defining factor of success, and no other human-powered propulsion system offers more precision, versatility and control than Hobie’s new MirageDrive 360 available on the Pro Angler platform.
See it for yourself in our dynamic video here and visit for more information and to find a dealer new you. A word of caution – order now if you want it in time for the spring fishing season, as these boats are in significant high demand.